What Do Rabbits Eat? A List Of 57 Foods Rabbits Can And Can’t Eat

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Rabbits are herbivores, and they are grazers that eat constantly. Their digestive systems are designed to process food efficiently.

Although their daily diet consists of hay and timothy pellets, you can offer them a variety of fruits and vegetables.

However, they have sensitive digestive systems, so it is critical to know which foods they can and cannot eat. Continue reading to learn more.

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Vegetables Rabbits Can and Cannot Eat

You can supplement your rabbit’s diet with a variety of veggies every day, but you need to introduce new foods slowly and in small amounts.

Make sure that you watch for any soft stool, diarrhea, or signs of gas pains. Stick with veggies that are not high in carbs, and always avoid iceberg lettuce.

  • Asparagus: Sure!

Rabbits can eat asparagus. It doesn’t have a lot of calories, and it is high in fiber. In addition, it is a great source of antioxidants.

It is very low in sugar, and it contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, folate, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

Many rabbits like asparagus a lot, and you should wash it thoroughly before you offer it to your rabbit.

You can feed an adult rabbit a two-inch section of thick asparagus or a four-inch section of thick asparagus two or three times a week. Do not give it to a baby.

  • Broccoli: In moderation

Although most rabbits enjoy broccoli and can have very small amounts, there are two schools of thought.

Some people say that broccoli is dangerous because it causes gas, and rabbits do have sensitive digestive systems.

Others say that as long as you feed it in small amounts, it is okay. Rabbits are unable to pass gas, so it gets trapped in their intestines.

Because there are so many other veggies that are safer, it is probably best to skip the broccoli.

  • Brussel Sprouts: Sure!

Rabbits can eat brussel sprouts in small amounts, but you should not feed this veggie every day.

They have some great nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, folate, vitamin B6, thiamine, potassium, iron, riboflavin, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Most rabbits like brussel sprouts, but they can cause gas. You should only give a rabbit one small brussel sprout or half of a large brussel sprout no more than once a week.

Baby and juvenile rabbits should not have this treat.

  • Beets: In moderation

Although beets have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, they have a lot of sugar, little protein and fat, they are very acidic, and they have a little bit of fiber.

Rabbits do like beets, but this should be a rare treat, no more than once or twice a month.

If you feed this veggie too often, it could lead to gas and other stomach problems.

Give your adult rabbit a tiny amount, and never feed it to a baby rabbit.

  • Bok Choy: Sure!

You can feed your rabbit this leafy vegetable without any worries. It has antioxidants and vitamins that are good for rabbits.

You should give your bunny a small piece and see how it likes it. Introduce it slowly as you would any new food.

Once the rabbit is used to it, you can feed one cup of it for every two pounds of body weight each day for your adult rabbit.

Cabbage: Sure!

Cabbage is another leafy green, and you can feed it to your rabbit. However, you should introduce it very slowly because it can cause gas.

Cabbage has plenty of nutrients, and most rabbits love it. You should feed your rabbit five leaves or less, and you can feed it daily to adult rabbits.

  • Carrots: Sure!

Although everyone thinks of carrots as a normal part of a rabbit’s diet, carrots are very high in sugar and should only be given as occasional treats.

Because carrots have empty calories, they can cause your rabbit to become obese.

  • Chard: Sure!

Chard is one of the healthiest vegetables in the world, and your rabbit can eat this nontoxic leafy green.

It has antioxidants as well as valuable vitamins and minerals, and it is a great source of micronutrients.

It should be offered as a treat because it doesn’t have the fiber that your rabbit will get from its hay and pellets.

  • Cauliflower: Nope

Cauliflower is another veggie that you should not feed your rabbit.

It can cause rabbits to become gassy and bloated, so you should avoid this veggie.

  • Corn: Nope

You should not feed corn to your rabbit. Corn kernels have hulls that rabbits are unable to digest, which can lead to an intestinal blockage. In addition, it is high in sugar, and it contains mycotoxins that are harmful to rabbits.

  • Celery: Sure!

Your rabbit can eat celery. In fact, rabbits can eat the entire plant. It contains fiber that is good for rabbits, as well as folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, and phosphorus. You can cut one-inch sections and feed it to your rabbit a few times a week as a treat.

  • Eggplant: In moderation

Eggplant contains some alkaloids that can be very toxic. Although some say you can feed eggplant cautiously as long as you stay away from the leaves and the green top, you should probably skip it and opt for a safer food choice.

  • Green Beans: In moderation

Some rabbits love to snack on green beans, but this is another vegetable that can lead to gas or bloating.

The problem is that green beans can be easily fermented by bad bacteria and cause a shift in the pH of your bunny’s digestive system. You should skip this veggie and go with a safer option.

Kale: Sure!

Kale is a nutritional powerhouse, but in large quantities it can lead to bloating and gas.

It is very good for your bunny from a nutritional perspective, so you should feed small amounts and introduce it very slowly to make sure that your rabbit tolerates it.

Start with one leaf, and don’t give it to your rabbit more than two or three times a week.

  • Lettuce:  In moderation

Contrary to what many people think, lettuce is not the basis for your rabbit’s diet.

Iceberg lettuce contains lactucarium, which is toxic to rabbits.

You can feed darker leafy greens such as romaine lettuce in small amounts as a treat.

  • Okra: Nope

Although okra contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, it has too much calcium and acid for your bunny.

Your rabbit could have a safe nibble if necessary, but this treat is better to avoid because it can be harmful.

  • Peas: Sure!

Although peas are generally safe for your rabbit, you should only feed it one pea pod as a treat, and limit it to once a week.

Peas have a lot of sugar in them, and in larger quantities they can cause your rabbit to have stomach problems.

  • Potato: Nope

Potatoes are another vegetable that aren’t poisonous to rabbits, but they are high in carbohydrates and starch, which can lead to digestive issues for your rabbit. This is a food to avoid.

  • Radishes: Nope

Radishes are a cruciferous vegetable, similar to broccoli and cauliflower.

Although they contain some good nutrients, they are high in starch and certain vitamins and minerals, which make them acidic and bad for your rabbit’s digestive system.

You should avoid radishes because they can lead to gas and bloating.

  • Radicchio: Sure!

Your rabbit can eat radicchio, and it can eat it every day.

You can include it as part of a little salad with Romaine lettuce.

Just remember that the main diet should be timothy hay and pellets, and the radicchio should be a special treat.

  • Spinach: Nope

Spinach has a high amount of oxalates and goitrogens, and this can lead to problems for your rabbit if you give it spinach. You should stay away from this food.

  • Sweet Potato: Nope

Sweet potatoes are full of starch and sugar, and this is not good for your rabbit. This is another food to stay away from because it will do more harm than good.

  • Zucchini: Sure!

You can feed zucchini to your rabbit. You can actually feed small amounts to your bunny every day as a healthy snack. Introduce it slowly and keep the serving size small.

Zucchini is nutritious with potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, fiber, sodium, zinc, iron, and more. No part of the zucchini plant is poisonous, so you can feed this veggie with confidence.

Fruits Rabbits Can and Cannot Eat

Rabbits often enjoy fruits as a small treat. You should become familiar with fruits your rabbit can and cannot eat, and do not feed fruits more than once or twice a week.

Take a look at the following list of fruits to determine which ones are safe to feed your rabbit.

  • Apples: Sure!

You can give small bits of apple to your rabbit as a treat, but make sure there are no apple seeds present.

The seeds and stem contain a poisonous compound called cyanogenic glycosides, which can lead to reduced heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, and even death. The apple is high in sugar, so it should only be an occasional treat.

  • Apricots: Sure!

Your rabbit can have apricots, including the skin.

Apricots contain fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, and other vital nutrients, and rabbits find them to be a delicious treat.

Make sure that you remove the pits, as the pits can be dangerous for rabbits.

  • Avocado: Nope

Rabbits cannot eat avocado – ever.

All parts of this fruit and the plant are toxic to rabbits (and other animals as well), and you should avoid feeding it at any cost.

  • Bananas:  Sure!

Rabbits love bananas, and they can eat them.

You can feed it as a snack, but keep it to a small amount because bananas are high in sugar and your bunny could become obese.

Don’t feed bananas to your rabbit more than a few times a week.

  • Blueberries:  Sure!

Your rabbit can eat blueberries, and it will love them.

Blueberries are a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, but they should be fed in moderation.

Too much can make your rabbit obese and could lead to digestive issues.

  • Cantaloupe:  Sure!

You can feed your rabbit cantaloupe as a treat, but only a small amount as a special treat.

You can feed one tablespoon twice a week. Cantaloupe is a great source of nutrients, especially beta-carotene.

It also has antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and folate, and it is hydrating because it has high water content. Make sure you cut the seeds out, as they can be a choking hazard.

  • Cherries:  Sure!

You can feed cherries to your rabbit. You can feed it one or two cherries each week, and make sure that you remove the pits and the stem because they contain cyanide, which makes them poisonous.

They are high in sugar, so save them for a special treat.

  • Cranberries:  Sure!

You can give cranberries to your rabbit as a treat once in a while.

Cranberries contain a lot of sugar and are quite acidic, so they can cause rabbits to have a terrible upset stomach.

You should never feed your rabbit more than one to three cranberries a week.

  • Cucumbers:  Sure!

Rabbits do enjoy cucumber, and you can feed it as part of a supplemental salad.

You can feed one teaspoon of cucumber per pound of body weight. If you give your rabbit too much, it can lead to loose stools and other health problems.

The entire cucumber is safe, including the peel and leaves. However, cucumbers don’t have a lot of nutrition, so they are a treat.

  • Figs: Nope

Although figs are a great source of fiber, they have a very high sugar content, and they can cause your rabbit to have an upset stomach.

You should avoid feeding figs to your rabbit.

  • Grapes:  In moderation

Rabbits love grapes.

They are sweet and delicious. In addition, grapes are very nutritious, and they contain antioxidants and other phytonutrients, including resveratrol, catechins, quercetin, lutein, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin.

They do have sugar, so you should limit your rabbit to one or two grapes every few days.

  • Lemons: Nope

Although lemons contain certain nutrients that are good for rabbits, the high citric acid content makes them too acidic.

They can cause stomach and digestive problems. The lemon peel is toxic to rabbits.

Most people say that rabbits don’t like the sour taste of lemon, so it is best to avoid this fruit.

  • Mango: Sure!

Mango is rich and delicious, and your rabbit can eat it. However, it should be a tiny amount only once in a while.

It is full of nutrients, and it has antioxidants that include beta-carotene, quercetin, and zeaxanthin.

Don’t give your rabbit more than one teaspoon per two pounds of body weight. Limit this treat to once a week.

  • Oranges: Sure!

Oranges have vitamin C, and they are full of fiber. You can feed your rabbit oranges as a treat, and most rabbits love oranges.

Oranges do have a lot of sugar, so you need to limit them to one or two wedges a week.

If you feed your rabbit too much, it can lead to diarrhea and digestive problems.

Peaches: Sure!

Peaches offer a lot of vitamins and minerals that are good for rabbits, including vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, folate, manganese, magnesium, pantothenic acid, copper, calcium, iron, vitamin K, and phosphorus.

The pits do contain cyanide, which is toxic to bunnies, so make sure that you remove them.

They do have sugar in them, so make sure to limit it to one teaspoon of peaches per two pounds of body weight, and give it to your rabbit once or twice a week.

  • Pears: Sure!

Rabbits can eat pears. Not only are they safe for your bunny, but they are healthy, crisp, and refreshing. You need to remove the pit and seeds, which are toxic to rabbits.

They contain vitamin C and K as well as fiber, copper, and antioxidants. You can feed your rabbit one or two small slices a few times a week

  • Papaya: Sure!

Papaya has many nutrients, including folate, vitamins A and B, lutein, magnesium, copper, and pantothenic acid.

It also has certain enzymes that can help your rabbit break down fur balls to make it easier for them to pass through its digestive system.

You can feed your rabbit one teaspoon once or twice a week, but be sure to remove the pit.

  • Pomegranate: Sure!

Pomegranate is a delicious fruit, and rabbits love this treat.

You can feed small amounts once a week as a treat. You need to remove the seeds, as they are toxic to rabbits.

They have a lot of sugar, so too much of this fruit can lead to stomach problems.

  • Pineapple: Sure!

If you want to feed pineapple to your rabbit, you need to be careful.

It contains a lot of sugar, which can lead to gas and bloating. However, it is loaded with vitamins and minerals, and most rabbits love the taste.

Keep it to one teaspoon once or twice a week.

  • Plums: Sure!

Plums are rich in sugar, which means your rabbit can only have a very small amount.

You should not feed your rabbit more than one or two teaspoons of plum at a time.

Your rabbit will love this sweet treat, but make sure to remove the pit as this can be toxic.

  • Raspberries: Sure!

Raspberries are good for rabbits, and they contain less sugar than most fruits.

They are also high in fiber, and they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

You can feed your rabbit one or two raspberries two or three times a week.

  • Strawberries: In moderation

Although strawberries have high sugar content, your rabbit can enjoy a tablespoon of strawberries once or twice a week.

Rabbits love the sweet taste of strawberries, but you need to be careful not to feed them too much.

  • Tomatoes: In moderation

Tomatoes are not toxic to rabbits, but they don’t have a lot of nutrients that your rabbit needs.

You need to make sure that any tomato you feed them is free of pesticides, and you can feed it as a rare snack.

There are other fruits that are much better to feed to your bunny, such as raspberries.

  • Watermelon: Sure!

You can feed watermelon to your rabbit, and it has a lot of vitamin C and potassium, as well as antioxidants.

You should limit it to one tablespoon per two pounds of body weight, and if you feed too much, it can cause digestive issues. You should remove the seeds first

Herbs Rabbits Can and Cannot Eat

Rabbits enjoy fresh herbs, and you should offer a mixture of fruits, veggies, and fresh herbs to provide a mix of texture, taste, and nutrition.

However, you can’t feed all herbs to your bunny. Take a look at the following.

  • Basil: Sure!

You can feed basil to your rabbit. It is similar to a leafy green with a strong scent.

You should limit the amount. The best idea is to throw together a small salad, such as romaine lettuce, a piece of basil, and a blueberry or raspberry.

  • Coriander: Sure!

Coriander (also called cilantro) is safe for your rabbit.

It has high vitamin and mineral content, and you can add a little bit to its food once or twice a week.

  • Dill: Sure!

Dill is an excellent treat for your rabbit. It is healthier than fruits or non-leafy vegetables, and your rabbit will enjoy it.

Dill supports upper intestinal mobility, dental health, and cecotrope pellet formation, and it is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants.

  • Mint: Sure!

Mint is safe for your rabbit to have as a treat.

It is sweet and can actually help with digestive problems. However, you should not feed it too much.

You can give a small amount to your rabbit as a supplement to its hay.

  • Parsley: In moderation

Although parsley is high in calcium, you can feed a very small amount as a treat.

You should avoid feeding too much of it because the calcium can lead to health problems.

  • Oregano: Sure!

Oregano also belongs to the mint family of herbs, and you can feed your rabbit the leaves and stem of this herb.

It does have a strong odor and taste, so some rabbits do not want it, but it is not toxic to your bunny.

  • Rosemary: Sure!

Rosemary is considered one of the safest herbs for rabbits. It is rich in calcium, iron, vitamin B6, and it has many health benefits.

You can offer a little bit a few times a week as a treat or healthy snack.

  • Sage: Sure!

Sage is safe for your rabbit, but it has a strong taste and smell, so rabbits do not always want to eat it.

You can add it as a treat a few times a week if your bunny likes it.

  • Thyme: Sure!

You can feed thyme to your rabbit as a treat. It is nutritious, and if your rabbit enjoys it, you can add it into your rabbit’s diet a few times a week.

Tips for Adding Fruits and Vegetables to Your Rabbit’s Diet

Your rabbit should eat a diet of 80% hay. You can feed your rabbit timothy rabbit pellets as well, and anything else, including fruits and vegetables, are a treat.

You can begin to offer vegetables to your bunny when it is three months old, and you should introduce new foods one at a time.

Once your bunny is used to a few different kinds of fruits and veggies, you can feed it three different kinds of food each day for a snack with a mix of vitamins and minerals.

Fruits should be fed more sparingly, as they are a treat with higher sugar content.

How Much Food Your Rabbit Needs

Your rabbit should have access to hay 24 hours a day. Young rabbits under seven months of age can have alfalfa hay, but adult rabbits should stick with grass hays such as timothy or oat hay.

Pellets that are high in fiber are especially important for young rabbits, and you can continue feeding approximately one-fourth cup per six pounds of body weight as part of a balanced diet. Your rabbit needs access to fresh water 24 hours a day.

Vegetables provide roughage and essential vitamins and minerals, and you can feed three different kinds once a day as a snack.

Feed two cups of fresh veggies per six pounds of body weight each day. Feed fruits sparingly. Although rabbits love fruits, they are high in sugar and serve best as a sweet treat.

Do Rabbits Need a Feeding Routine?

You should have a feeding routine for your rabbit.

You need to make sure that fresh hay is available at all times because rabbits are grazers and their digestive system functions best when they nibble throughout the day.

You should feed them pellets once a day in the morning, and offer a veggie snack each day.

You can offer the veggies along with pellets in the morning, or give them to your rabbit as an afternoon snack.

About the Author
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Chafik Abderrahman is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of SmallPetsHQ.com.

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