Can Rabbits Eat Mango? What You Need to Know!

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Today, you need to not only feed your pet but also feed it right.

These pets have proven to be some of the most invaluable comforters and companions for most people, and rabbits are no exception.

From fruits to vegetables, you need to understand what is best for your rabbit.

Ideally, health and safety should suffice at all times. But can rabbits eat mango?

are they safe for rabbits. Here are a few insights into this.

Can Rabbits Eat Mango?

Yes. There is no denying that mangos are not only safe but also healthy for rabbits.

While it can only be given out as a treat, this fruit will form a significantly essential part of your rabbit’s diet.

Is Mango Good for Rabbits?

The straight answer to this is yes.

This fruit comes with multiple vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Antioxidants are critical in protecting the rabbit from exposing its tissues to oxidative damage.

This fruit comes with enough fiber to guarantee improved gut health in a rabbit.

Typically, it will ensure that there are limited chances for the gut to keep moving, eliminating bloating and stasis instances.

It will also come in handy in improving dental health in the long run.

Mangos are rich in calcium and phosphorous too.

Calcium is a significant element in any bunny’s growth, as it ensures the rabbit gets stronger bones and even teeth.

On the other hand, phosphorous plays a vital role in repairing cells and tissues in the bunny’s body.

You will also appreciate how rich mangos are in vitamins A, B6, C, and E. These vitamins are vital for the bolstering of the immune system of your rabbit.

That they will help in repairing cellular damage is no secret.

Risks to Consider When Feeding Rabbits with Mangos

It is no secret that you will always have reservations about feeding your rabbit with mangos, thanks to the various problems they could have.

In most cases, experts suggest that you provide your rabbit with mangos as treats. This way, it will be much easier to avoid the issues that the fruit features. That should not mean that mangos are toxic for rabbits.

The biggest issue with mangos is their high acidic and sugar content, which could be harmful to the pet.

The high acidic content plays a critical role in causing stomach upsets and diarrhea in some instances.

You can hardly overlook the fact that mangos boast of high sugar content.

While sugar could be helpful in certain instances, too much of it could readily result in obesity and even diabetes among rabbits.

These conditions are likely to increase the risk of falling sick and even cause fatality in the long run.

Rabbits do not have the best digestive system, and digesting high fiber and sugar content could be a problem for some of them.

As long as you feed your rabbit with more than enough mangos, be ready for issues like bloating and even stasis.

How Many Mangos Can We Feed Our Rabbits?

As mentioned, mangos should not be on the daily menu of your rabbit. Instead, embrace it as a treat that you can feed your bunny a few times a week.

The best move is to ensure that you do not provide it with this fruit more than twice a week. But beyond this, be careful with the quantity you feed your rabbit.

Usually, the best serving would be a tablespoon of mango for every two pounds of body weight.

This dose is per day, and it should not exceed twice a week. You will also need to consider it only for adult rabbits.

However, if you have a baby or juvenile rabbits, kindly keep them away from mangos, as they could be unhealthy.

Since rabbits’ response to mangos tends to vary from one rabbit to another, it will be best for you to embrace a gradual approach.

That means you start by giving your bunny mangos in relatively smaller quantities, preferably half a teaspoon.

This way, it will be a lot easier for you to observe and adjust the serving accordingly.

How to Prepare Mangos for Rabbits

It is almost impossible to overstate how vital sufficient preparation of mangos can be to the health of your rabbit.

The process is relatively straightforward, but you need to be quite careful lest you expose your furry friend to more complications. But first, get fresh mangos.

Take the time to wash the fruit thoroughly. This move comes in handy in removing dirt, dust, and chemical remnants like herbicides and pesticides.

However, this does not mean you need to use soap during the process. Instead, focus on having enough water at all times.

Next, you will have to cut the fruits into relatively small dices. It will help the rabbit not only to chew but also to swallow the fruit comfortably.

Did you know that you could break these tasty snacks to puzzle toys? It will help in improving their intelligence.

While at it, you could blend the small dices into juice. Juice tends to be much easier for the bunny to swallow, giving you an easier time.

What are the other healthy alternatives to mango in a rabbit’s diet?

Have you ever thought about which foods will provide your rabbit with the most health benefits? Well, various options are at your disposal.

And understanding which one to focus on will help in improving the health of your bunny.

Usually, hay will be the most critical element of your rabbit’s food.

This grass is rich in fiber, which is essential in enhancing gut health and better digestive abilities.

You could also feed them with pellets, but in relatively small amounts. That is because too much of it in the diet could result in obesity.

Their diet should also have enough vegetables, including bok choy, watercress, basil, lettuce, cilantro, and broccoli greens.

On the other hand, collard, kale, escarole, and Swiss chard should be limited quantities, as they contain much calcium. Carrots are vital, too, but in small amounts.

You can hardly overlook the significance of fruits in the diet of any bunny.

However, it will be best to keep fruits in minimal amounts, thanks to their high sugar content.

This way, avoiding obesity and diabetes will be much easier.

The best fruits to feed your rabbit will include seedless apples, bananas, berries, grapes, and melon. You could also consider oranges and nectarine.

In conclusion, rabbits eat mangos.

As long as you understand what quantity to feed them, there will be no reason to worry.

While you should give them as treats, you can hardly overlook how rich mangos are in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and minerals. Start feeding your bunny with this mango today!


Can Rabbits Eat Mango Skin?

It is no secret that rabbits love mango skin, and feeding it to them is poses no health issue.

As long as you wash it well, you will be sure of the safety of your rabbit.

Take the time to clean your fresh fruit with clean water, as this will eliminate any dirt or chemical remnants on the surface.

From there, you will have no reason to worry about peeling the mango skin.

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Seeds?

No, They should not, and they cannot. While rabbits boast of relatively healthy teeth that can chew the seeds, eating the seed poses health issues.

It will be hard for the bunny to digest this seed, resulting in stomach upsets in the long run.

The stomachache could be so bad that fatality might be inevitable.

Can Rabbits Eat Dried Mango?

Technically, this is possible. However, it is not recommended, as dried mango comes with relatively higher sugar content.

Nothing could be more dangerous to the health of your bunny than such levels of sugar.

With dried mangos, your bunny could end up obese, with weight issues, or even diabetes. Instead, fresh fruits will suffice.

Can Rabbits Eat Frozen Mango?

There is barely any issue with feeding your bunny with frozen mangos. Frozen mangos bear the same elements as fresh fruit.

However, you might want to wait for a little while after removing it from the freezer. It will protect your rabbit from various complications.

Can Rabbits Have Mango Juice?

Yes. Mango juice has proven to be one of the best ways to feed your bunny with mango.

It will usually be invaluable to start by offering it with half a teaspoon as you monitor its behavior.

Later, you can adjust to one teaspoon per two pounds of the rabbit’s weight.

About the Author
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Chafik Abderrahman is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of

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