Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber? Is it Safe? (Quick Guide)

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Cucumbers can help keep human bodies hydrated while satisfying cravings.

The crisp and crunchy green veggie is a great, healthy snack for you and your friends.

But are cucumbers just as good for guinea pigs? Some vegetables and fruits that are good for you—like grapes and onions—can actually cause your cavy unnecessary harm.

So, where do cucumbers rank on the list? Are they healthy for your guinea pig to munch on, or should you be worried?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber?

First of all, it’s generally safe to give cucumber to your cavy, as it’s a non-toxic vegetable that won’t cause your guinea pig any immediate harm, and it can actually provide a number of benefits which we shall cover in this guide.

Cucumber is exactly the same for guinea pigs as it is for humans – it’s hydrating, low in calories, low fat and contains a healthy dose of potassium and Vitamin C and B.

So, yes your guinea pig can eat cucumber!

Are Cucumbers Good for Guinea Pigs?

The next question after answering Can guinea pigs have cucumbers? is: Are cucumbers good for guinea pigs?

Great news! It turns out that cucumbers are a very healthy snack for both people and guinea pigs.

Cucumbers are a great low-fat, low-calorie treat that is especially good if you are concerned about your guinea pig’s weight.

Cucumbers are high in phytonutrients and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Cucumbers for Guinea Pigs: Benefits

As we have already mentioned, cucumber is not harmful to guinea pigs, but is it beneficial?

What effects does cucumber consumption have on a guinea pig’s health? It may surprise you to know that cucumbers are not only great for human health but also carry a lot of advantages for guinea pigs.

Cucumbers are predominantly made up of water, which means it’s a great snack to keep your cavy hydrated during the hotter seasons.

Additionally, cucumber has a very nutritional composition and offers a guinea pig vitamin K and vitamin C, as like humans they cannot synthesise this from their food (rabbits, on the other hand, can).

A guinea pig with insufficient vitamin C will suffer from scurvy, which can result in paralysis and death.

In addition, cucumbers contain minerals such as iron and magnesium, which can help prevent conditions such as anemia.

Cucumber also contains substances, referred to as phytonutrients, that fulfill important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions.

How Do Cucumbers Affect Guinea Pigs’ Health?

So, what could happen if a cavy eats too much cucumber? Excessive cucumber for pet guinea pigs can cause three main problems:

  • Diarrhea: Because cucumber contains so much water, it will affect the consistency of your guinea pigs’ droppings. They may become loose and increase in frequency. In the long term, diarrhea can be dangerous or even fatal.
  • Weight loss: Because cucumbers are low-calorie, guinea pigs that fill up on cucumber may not eat enough to maintain their weight.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Cucumbers don’t contain enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals to keep a guinea pig healthy. They shouldn’t be their primary food source.

How Much Cucumber Is Safe For Guinea Pigs?

You should only feed your guinea pigs treats like cucumber after ascertaining that your cavy diet contains all the nutritional requirements.

Remember treats are only used to supplement your guinea pig’s diet.

Feeding your guinea pig one teaspoon per one-pound body weight is a great way to make your guinea pig diet inclusive and diverse.

Besides, it is necessary for your guinea pig to take a little break from eating hay constantly.

If you want to feed your guinea pig cucumber for the first time, you need to introduce it slowly.

This is crucial for you to observe any health problems that can arise from feeding cucumber.

If you notice your guinea pig is passing loose stool, you need to stop the cucumber and feed it with alternative treats.

F.A.Q About Guinea Pigs and Cucumbers

It looks like we’ve got an idea now regarding guinea pigs eating cucumbers. It is always good, though, to touch the specific points in a subject and sharpen them.

  • Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber Seeds?

There’s a golden rule that seeds from most, if not all, foods should be removed before giving them to your guinea pig, but as with everything, there are exceptions. Cucumber is one of them.

The problem with seeds is twofold, some of them are slightly toxic, and others are large and hard so they pose a choking hazard.

Cucumber is non-toxic to guinea pigs and in a fresh one the seeds are soft and pliable, so there’s no risk of them getting lodged in your guinea pig’s throat while feasting on it.

That’s a relief because getting all the seeds out from a cucumber would be very frustrating and take a long time, not to mention that there wouldn’t be much of the cucumber left.

Mind, though, that if you come across a variety of cucumber that has hard seeds or a nearly dry specimen, remove the seeds before tossing it to your guinea pig.

  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber Peels And Plants

The answer to this question is a big fat yes. Cucumber is a healthy vegetable all-round.

Peels and leaves will not harm your cavy. The peels seem to have a rough and tough texture.

Besides, the peel is also bitter which is the reason why people usually peel off before consuming it.

When you peel the cucumber before giving your cavy, you are doing it a huge favor.

  • Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber?

No, until they’re older than 12 weeks of age, baby guinea pigs should not eat cucumber.

Their diets instead should be largely made up of their mother’s milk and water. Then at about seven weeks, they may eat alfalfa hays or pellets.

When they hit six months old, they can begin chomping on grass hays.

Baby guinea pigs cannot digest fruits and vegetables until they’ve gotten cecotropes from their mother’s soft pellets.

So avoid feeding them such to prevent potentially fatal tummy issues.

Summing it Up

Cucumbers are fruits rich in water and fiber.

They are safe for guinea pig consumption as they aid the digestive process and help guinea pigs stay hydrated.

Care should be taken to ensure that guinea pigs do not eat too many cucumbers as they may end up suffering from cavy diarrhea.

About the Author
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Chafik Abderrahman is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of

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